Saturday, February 5, 2011

Monica Hairodynamic's Contest Drama

This video was posted by beautygurusexposed but that youtube account does NOT belong to me.

Just by watching it you can see right through her. She is a major bitch.
-Crap apology
-Its all about her in this video and not about her subscribers that have to spend loads of money to repair their damaged computers/laptops
-Rude atmosphere in video (chewing gum, rolling eyes etc)

Watch the video below to understand!

The Little BeautyxxGoddess

Thanks to theblackholex3 a whole tonne of Mimi's deleted videos of have appeared on youtube, they are old videos of her when she was younger making youtube videos:/ They really do give you a laugh.

Conceeded BeautyxxGodesss

The first video is a very recent video of Mimi being conceed and rude. It makes me wonder does she even want to go to Princeton or will she be a beauty gurus spongeing off her youtube videos for money. Or does her and her mum even have a agreement that she is donating a portion her partner money to charity?

Its a shame shes such a stupid lame careless bitch because she's so pretty and she thought no one would mind watching this video. Then she makes this remark "im just saying this so they wont request a haul" thats obnoxious, its her choice to make these videos so if you dont want to do a haul dont make videos. Its that simple.
Click HERE to go to Taylors channel.

Then she made another video with a half hearted apology.

She still claims in an Explanation video thats on her channel NOW that she didn't buy anything when it's obvious she did. Ohh btw she wearing no makeup to make here self seem more relatable to her subscribers when really she an obvious fake!